Join us
You do not need to be a member of AARP.
You do not need to be retired. However, it has been our experience that it is difficult to hold a job and also become a tax-aide volunteer.
It is critical that Tax-Aide volunteers are computer literate. All volunteers now are required to prepare tax returns on a laptop computer using tax software supplied by the IRS. You do not have to be a whiz or an expert, but you do need to have basic computer skills.
You do not have to know a great deal about taxes. It is, of course, helpful if you have perhaps done your own taxes. But regardless of your experience, we will train you to be proficient in the needed tax law. Retired CPA's, Tax Attorneys, and professional tax preparers are naturally qualified.
Plan on spending a number of hours at first as you begin your study. After the first year, this becomes easier and takes less time. You will spend three to five days attending a local tax school each year. You must pass an IRS test with 80 percent accuracy. Ideally, you would be able to spend eight hours or more a week preparing returns. You will be supported at every step by the many experienced volunteers in your area.
Tax-Aide volunteers receive no payment. It is a totally volunteer position. They may be reimbursed for mileage and certain other qualified expenses.
Who are Tax-Aide Volunteers? They come from all walks of life. Some are housewives, some are retired teachers (elementary through university), some are retired from the armed services, some from professional vocations. Their ages range from generally in the 50's to the 80's with some just a wee bit older. They all share one thing. They totally enjoy helping others.
You do not need to own a laptop. One will be provided for you.